By Apostle Dr. Martins Batire, PhD.

2 Corinthians 4 verse 17 (NKJV)

There are times in life when everything you attempt to do may go wrong. Your faith may be strong and your commitment deep, yet adversity will come knocking your door. In such times, the power of prayer will strengthen and stabilse you but you can’t pray away life’s seasons! God has a purpose for not allowing you to be fruitful all the time. Sometimes yours season of affliction does not call for any ACTION, it call for patient and trust in GOD.

Real growth requires seasons of struggle as well as seasons of success. Your season of struggle destroy pride in your own ability and increase your dependence on God and enable you to say like Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthian 3 verse 35 “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves – our sufficiency is from God” Your humbling experience are essential for your future as your life is like a tree: in winter, it silently refurbishes its strength, preparing for the next season of fruitfulness.

As you look back on your life’s accomplishments, you will notice that they are seasons. So your light affliction which is but for a moment will work for you